
Here’s the fast path to using pymt. If you want to dig deeper, links are provided at each step to more detailed information either here in the User Guide or elsewhere.

If you encounter any problems when installing or running pymt, please visit us at the CSDMS Help Desk and explain what occurred.

Install conda

Anaconda is a free, open-source, Python distribution that contains a comprehensive set of packages for scientific computing. If you don’t have conda installed, the Anaconda installation guide can help you through the process.

Install pymt

Once you’ve installed conda, You can get pymt directly from conda-forge:

$ conda install pymt -c conda-forge

Installing into a conda environment is strongly recommended. Check the installation guide for more detailed information about installing pymt.

Install a model

Hydrotrend is a hydrological water balance and transport model that simulates water discharge and sediment load at a river outlet. It’s also one of the models available in pymt. Install Hydrotrend into pymt with:

$ conda install pymt_hydrotrend -c conda-forge

Check that the model has been installed by starting a Python session and importing pymt:

>>> import pymt.models
=> models: Hydrotrend

Keep this Python session open; we’ll use it for the examples that follow.

Run a model

Now that Hydrotrend has been installed into pymt, import it into your Python session and create an instance:

>>> from pymt.models import Hydrotrend
>>> model = Hydrotrend()

To run a model, pymt expects a model configuration file. Get the default configuration for Hydrotrend:

>>> cfg_file, cfg_dir = model.setup()

Start the model, setting its initial conditions, by calling its initialize method:

>>> model.initialize(cfg_file, cfg_dir)

The model is now ready to run. For reference, show the current time in the model.

>>> model.time

Now call the update method to advance the model by a single time step:

>>> model.update()
>>> model.time

What units are associated with this time step? (Picoseconds? Parsecs?) Find out with the time_units property:

>>> model.time_units

The Hydrotrend model exposes a set of output variables, as shown by the get_output_var_names method:

>>> for var in model.get_output_var_names():
...     print(var)

With the get_value method, find the current value of the mean water discharge at the river mouth through its descriptive CSDMS Standard Name. And because the Standard Name is long, let’s first store it in a variable:

>>> discharge_sn = 'channel_exit_water__volume_flow_rate'
>>> model.get_value(discharge_sn)
array([ 1.1])

What units are attached to this discharge value? Find out with the get_var_units method:

>>> model.get_var_units(discharge_sn)
'm^3 / s'

To finish, let’s run the model to completion, storing the discharge values for future use. First, calculate how many time steps remain in the model:

>>> n_steps = int(model.end_time / model.time_step) - 1

Follow this by importing Python’s NumPy library, then use it to create an empty array to hold the discharge values:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> discharge = np.empty(n_steps)

Now use a loop to advance the model to its end, storing the discharge value at each time step:

>>> for t in range(n_steps):
...     discharge[t] = model.get_value(discharge_sn)
...     model.update()

Complete the model run by calling the finalize method:

>>> model.finalize()

View results

Let’s plot the daily mean water discharge values generated by the model. Start by importing Python’s matplotlib library, used for generating a variety of publication-quality figures:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Then set up a line plot of the discharge values:

>>> plt.plot(discharge, 'r')

Nothing appears on the screen yet; this statement only configures the plot. However, a plot isn’t complete until it has appropriate labels. Add some with:

>>> plt.title('Mean Daily Discharge at River Mouth')
>>> plt.xlabel('Simulation Time (d)')
>>> plt.ylabel('Discharge ($m^3 s^{-1}$)')

Now display the plot:

>>> plt.show()
Mean daily water discharge from the Hydrotrend model.

A more detailed example of using Hydrotrend can be found in the notebooks/hydrotrend Jupyter Notebook. An expanded description of the pymt methods used in this example can be found in the Usage section.