
Here are some examples that demonstrate how to run models using pymt. The examples in the first list run only single models. While the models do not couple with other models, they may couple with external data sets. The examples in the second list show how multiple models can be coupled together by exchanging data.

If you would like to run these examples yourself, in addition to installing pymt, you will have to install Jupyter Notebook:

$ conda install notebook

If you encounter any problems when running these Notebooks, please visit us at the CSDMS Help Desk and explain what occurred.

Single Models

Model Notebook
Frost Number Model binder-frost_number
Kudryavtsev Model binder-ku
GIPL Model binder-GIPL
ECSimpleSnow Model binder-ECSnow
Coastline Evolution Model binder-cem
Hydrotrend binder-hydrotrend
Hydrotrend Ganges binder-hydrotrend_Ganges
Sedflux3D binder-sedflux3d
Flexural Subsidence binder-subside

Coupled Models

Models Notebook
Coastline Evolution Model + Waves binder-cem_and_waves
GIPL + ECSimpleSnow Models binder-GIPL_and_ECSnow