Conda environments

conda environments is probably what you want to use for developing pymt applications.

What problem does conda environments solve? Chances are that you want to use it for other projects besides your pymt script. But the more projects you have, the more likely it is that you will be working with different versions of Python itself, or at least different versions of Python libraries. Let’s face it: quite often libraries break backwards compatibility, and it’s unlikely that any serious application will have zero dependencies. So what do you do if two or more of your projects have conflicting dependencies?

conda environments to the rescue! conda environments enables multiple side-by-side installations of Python, one for each project. It doesn’t actually install separate copies of Python, but it does provide a clever way to keep different project environments isolated.

If you are on Mac or Linux, and have conda installed, from a terminal you can run the following to create a new Python environment,

$ conda create -n myproject python

Now, whenever you want to work on a project, you only have to activate the corresponding environment. On OS X and Linux, do the following,

$ conda activate myproject

To get out of the environment,

$ conda deactivate

To remove the environment,

$ conda remove -n myproject --all

With this environment activated, you can install pymt into it with the following,

$ conda install pymt -c conda-forge