Glossary ======== A glossary of terms used with *pymt*. Because *pymt* is a Python package, more information on many of these terms can be found in the `Python Glossary`_. .. _Python Glossary: .. glossary:: $ The default shell prompt. >>> The default Python prompt. ... The Python prompt for interactively entering code in an indeted code block. Anaconda A Python distribution that includes libraries for scientific computing and a package manager. See for more information. Basic Model Interface (BMI) A set a functions that are used to interact with and control a model. See for more information. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) CSDMS is an NSF-funded program that seeks to transform the science and practice of earth-surface dynamics modeling. For more information, visit class A program that acts as a template for creating :term:`objects`. conda The package manager for :term:`Anaconda`. Also an informal name for an Anaconda installation. conda-forge A community-led collection of recipes, build infrastructure, and distributions for the :term:`conda` package manager. See conda environment A :term:`conda` sub-installation that isolates a group of packages from the main conda installation. See also :doc:`conda-environments`. configuration file A file that contains information for setting up a :term:`model`. coupling See :term:`model coupling`. CSDMS See :term:`Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)`. CSDMS Workbench An integrated system of software tools, technologies, and standards for building and coupling models. See for more information. data Information held by an :term:`object`. import The process of bringing code from a Python :term:`module` into another module or into an interactive Python session. instance See :term:`object`. Jupyter Notebook Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application for creating and sharing documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. See mamba A faster, open-source, alternative to the :term:`conda` package manager. See Matplotlib A Python plotting library used in *pymt*. For more information, see method Programs that act upon the :term:`data` of an :term:`object`. model A computer program that attempts to describe a physical process with mathematical relationships that evolve over time and are solved numerically. For more information, see, for example, model configuration file A file, usually in a text-based format, that lists the tunable parameters of a model and supplies their initial values. model coupling Models are *coupled* when they exchange inputs and outputs, often at the resolution of individual time steps. *One-way coupling* occurs when the outputs from one model are used as inputs to another model. *Two-way coupling* is when outputs from one model are used as inputs for another model, which in turn supplies its outputs to the first model as inputs, producing a feedback. module A file (with the ``.py`` extension) that contains Python code. NumPy A Python library that provides arrays. Outputs from *pymt* are NumPy arrays. See also object A variable that is a concrete example of a :term:`class`. Objects have :term:`data` and :term:`methods` that act upon those data. package A directory of Python :term:`modules ` that contains a :term:`package definition file`. Packages can be installed into a Python distribution and :term:`imported ` into a Python session. Packages may define subpackages, each with their own package definition file. package definition file A file named ```` that denotes a directory contains a Python :term:`package`. Standard Names A semantic mediation technology developed at CSDMS for precisely matching variable names between models. For more information, see tarball An archive file that contains several other files, usually compressed.