Source code for pymt.portprinter.utils

import os
import string
import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..grids import RasterField, StructuredField, UnstructuredField

[docs]class Error(Exception): pass
[docs]class DimensionError(Error): def __init__(self, msg): self._msg = msg def __str__(self): return self._msg
[docs]class BadFileFormatError(Error): def __init__(self, fmt): self._format = fmt def __str__(self): return self._format
[docs]def positive_dimensions(shape): """Check if all dimensions are positive. Parameters ---------- shape : ndarray of int Array shape. Returns ------- boolean True if dimensions are positive non-zero. Otherwise, False. """ return shape[shape > 0]
[docs]def find_unknown_dimension(shape): """Find unlimited dimensions. If a dimension is negative, it's thought to be *unknown* or *unlimited* Find that dimension. Raise an error if there are multiple unknown dimensions. Parameters ---------- shape : ndarray of int Array shape. Returns ------- int Dimension that is unknown or `None` if all dimensions are known. Raises ------ DimensionError There are multiple unknown dimensions. """ (unknown_dim,) = np.where(np.array(shape) < 0) if len(unknown_dim) > 1: raise DimensionError("more than one unknown dimension") try: return unknown_dim[0] except IndexError: return None
[docs]def fix_unknown_shape(shape, size): """Determine shape with an unknown dimension. Parameters ---------- shape : ndarray of int Array shape (with a possible unknown dimension). size : int Sive of the array. Returns ------- tuple of int Shape of the array with any unknown dimension fixed. Examples -------- >>> from pymt.portprinter.utils import fix_unknown_shape >>> fix_unknown_shape((4, 3), 12) (4, 3) >>> fix_unknown_shape((4, -1), 12) (4, 3) """ if len(shape) > 0: new_shape = np.array(shape) else: if size != 0: raise DimensionError("total size of new array must be unchanged") return (0,) known_element_count =[new_shape > 0]) if size % known_element_count != 0: raise DimensionError("total size of new array must be unchanged") unknown_dim = find_unknown_dimension(new_shape) if unknown_dim is not None: new_shape[unknown_dim] = size / known_element_count return tuple(new_shape)
[docs]def is_structured_port(port, grid_id): if hasattr(port, "get_grid_shape"): shape = port.get_grid_shape(grid_id) if shape is None: return False else: return False return True
[docs]def is_rectilinear_port(port, grid_id): if is_structured_port(port, grid_id) and hasattr(port, "get_grid_spacing"): spacing = port.get_grid_spacing(grid_id) if spacing is None: return False else: return False return True
[docs]def port_is_one_point(port, grid_id): shape = port.get_grid_shape(grid_id) if len(shape) == 1 and shape[0] == 1: return True else: return False
def _port_shape_as_array(port, grid_id): return port.get_grid_shape(grid_id) def _port_spacing_as_array(port, grid_id): if port_is_one_point(port, grid_id): spacing = np.array([1.0]) else: spacing = port.get_grid_spacing(grid_id) return spacing def _port_origin_as_array(port, grid_id): if port_is_one_point(port, grid_id): origin = np.array([0.0]) else: try: origin = port.get_grid_origin(grid_id) except AttributeError: origin = port.get_grid_lower_left(grid_id) warnings.warn("get_grid_lower_left", DeprecationWarning) return origin def _construct_port_as_rectilinear_field(port, grid_id, data_array): if len(data_array) == 1: shape = np.array((1,)) spacing = np.array((1.0,)) origin = np.array((0.0,)) else: shape = _port_shape_as_array(port, grid_id) spacing = _port_spacing_as_array(port, grid_id) origin = _port_origin_as_array(port, grid_id) shape = fix_unknown_shape(shape, data_array.size) return RasterField(shape, spacing, origin, indexing="ij") def _construct_port_as_structured_field(port, grid_id, data_array): shape = _port_shape_as_array(port, grid_id) shape = fix_unknown_shape(shape, data_array.size) x = port.get_grid_x(grid_id) y = port.get_grid_y(grid_id) return StructuredField(x, y, shape) def _construct_port_as_unstructured_field(port, grid_id): x = port.get_grid_x(grid_id) y = port.get_grid_y(grid_id) c = port.get_grid_connectivity(grid_id) o = port.get_grid_offset(grid_id) return UnstructuredField(x, y, c, o)
[docs]def construct_port_as_field(port, var_name): """Create a field object from a port. Parameters ---------- port : port_like A port. var_name : str Name of the variable field. Returns ------- field_like A newly created field that contains the data for *var_name*. """ data_array = port.get_value(var_name) if data_array is None: raise ValueError(var_name) grid_id = port.get_var_grid(var_name) if len(data_array) == 1 or is_rectilinear_port(port, grid_id): field = _construct_port_as_rectilinear_field(port, grid_id, data_array) elif is_structured_port(port, grid_id): field = _construct_port_as_structured_field(port, grid_id, data_array) else: field = _construct_port_as_unstructured_field(port, grid_id) field.add_field( var_name, data_array, centering=get_data_centering(field, data_array) ) return field
[docs]def get_data_centering(field, data_array): if data_is_centered_on_points(field, data_array): centering = "point" elif data_is_centered_on_cells(field, data_array): centering = "zonal" else: raise RuntimeError("statement should not be reached") return centering
[docs]def mesh_size_has_changed(field, data): return data.size not in [field.get_point_count(), field.get_cell_count()]
[docs]def data_is_centered_on_points(field, data): return data.size == field.get_point_count()
[docs]def data_is_centered_on_cells(field, data): return data.size == field.get_cell_count()
[docs]def reconstruct_port_as_field(port, field): """Recreate a field object from a port. Add data from *port* to *field*. If the mesh of the port is no longer the same as that of *field*, create a new field object and add the data to it. Where possible, the new data is added to the existing field. Only the data that does not fit on the existing field is added to the new one. Parameters ---------- port : port_like A port. field : field_like An existing field with new data. Returns ------- field_like A (possibley) newly created field that contains the data for *var_name*. """ for var_name in field.keys(): data_array = port.get_value(var_name) if mesh_size_has_changed(field, data_array): field = construct_port_as_field(port, var_name) else: field.add_field( var_name, data_array, centering=get_data_centering(field, data_array) ) return field
_FORMAT_EXTENSION = {"nc": ".nc", "netcdf": ".nc"}
[docs]def normalize_format_name(fmt): if fmt.startswith("."): fmt = fmt[1:] return fmt.lower()
[docs]def format_to_file_extension(fmt): try: return _FORMAT_EXTENSION[normalize_format_name(fmt)] except KeyError: raise BadFileFormatError(normalize_format_name(fmt))
def _file_name_lacks_extension(file_name): (_, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_name) return len(ext) <= 1
[docs]def construct_file_name(var_name, template="${var}", fmt=None, prefix=""): file_template = string.Template(template) file_name = file_template.safe_substitute(var=var_name) if _file_name_lacks_extension(file_name): file_ext = format_to_file_extension(fmt) file_name = file_name + file_ext return os.path.join(prefix, file_name)
[docs]def next_unique_file_name(file_name): (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_name) count = 0 while os.path.isfile(file_name): file_name = base + ".%d" % count + ext count += 1 return file_name