Source code for pymt.mappers.pointtocell

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from .imapper import IGridMapper, IncompatibleGridError

# from .mapper import IncompatibleGridError

[docs]def map_cells_to_points(coords, dst_grid, dst_point_ids, bad_val=-1): src_x, src_y = coords cell_to_point_id = defaultdict(list) for j, point_id in enumerate(dst_point_ids): for cell_id in dst_grid.get_shared_cells(point_id): if dst_grid.is_in_cell(src_x[j], src_y[j], cell_id): cell_to_point_id[cell_id].append(j) return cell_to_point_id
[docs]class PointToCell(IGridMapper): _name = "PointToCell"
[docs] def initialize(self, dest_grid, src_grid, **kwds): if not self.test(dest_grid, src_grid): raise IncompatibleGridError(, src_x = src_grid.get_x() src_y = src_grid.get_y() tree = KDTree(list(zip(dest_grid.get_x(), dest_grid.get_y()))) (_, nearest_dest_id) = tree.query(list(zip(src_x, src_y))) self._map = map_cells_to_points( (src_x, src_y), dest_grid, nearest_dest_id, bad_val=-1 ) self._dst_cell_count = dest_grid.get_cell_count() self._src_point_count = src_grid.get_point_count()
[docs] def run(self, src_values, **kwds): dst_vals = kwds.get("dst_vals", None) bad_val = kwds.get("bad_val", -999) method = kwds.get("method", np.mean) if src_values.size != self._src_point_count: raise ValueError("size mismatch between source and point count") if dst_vals is None: dst_vals = np.array([bad_val] * self._dst_cell_count, dtype=float) if dst_vals.size != self._dst_cell_count: raise ValueError("size mismatch between destination and cell count") for cell_id, point_ids in self._map.items(): if all(src_values[point_ids] > bad_val): dst_vals[cell_id] = method(src_values[point_ids]) return dst_vals
[docs] @staticmethod def test(dst_grid, src_grid): return all(np.diff(dst_grid.get_offset()) > 2) and src_grid is not None
@property def name(self): return self._name