Source code for pymt.grids.utils

import numpy as np

from pymt.grids.assertions import is_rectilinear, is_structured, is_unstructured

[docs]def get_default_coordinate_units(n_dims): if n_dims <= 0 or n_dims > 3: raise ValueError("dimension must be between one and three") return ["-"] * n_dims
[docs]def get_default_coordinate_names(n_dims): if n_dims <= 0 or n_dims > 3: raise ValueError("dimension must be between one and three") return ["z", "y", "x"][-n_dims:]
[docs]def assert_arrays_are_equal_size(*args): first_size = args[0].size for arg in args[1:]: if arg.size != first_size: raise AssertionError("arrays are not the same length")
[docs]def args_as_numpy_arrays(*args): np_arrays = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): np_array = arg.view() else: np_array = np.array(arg) np_array.shape = (np_array.size,) np_arrays.append(np_array) return tuple(np_arrays)
[docs]def coordinates_to_numpy_matrix(*args): args = args_as_numpy_arrays(*args) assert_arrays_are_equal_size(*args) coords = np.empty((len(args), len(args[0])), dtype=float) for dim, arg in enumerate(args): coords[dim][:] = arg.flatten() return coords
[docs]def non_singleton_axes(grid): try: shape = grid.get_shape() except AttributeError: return np.arange(grid.get_dim_count()) else: (indices,) = np.where(shape > 1) return indices
[docs]def non_singleton_shape(grid): shape = grid.get_shape() (indices,) = np.where(shape > 1) return shape[indices]
[docs]def non_singleton_coordinate_names(grid): indices = non_singleton_axes(grid) return grid.get_coordinate_name(indices)
[docs]def non_singleton_dimension_names(grid): if is_structured(grid, strict=False): coordinate_names = non_singleton_coordinate_names(grid) # return np.array(['n' + name for name in coordinate_names]) return coordinate_names else: return np.array(["n_node"])
[docs]def non_singleton_dimension_shape(grid): if is_rectilinear(grid, strict=False): shape = non_singleton_dimension_names(grid) return shape[:, np.newaxis] elif is_structured(grid, strict=True): shape = non_singleton_dimension_names(grid) return np.tile(shape, (len(shape), 1)) elif is_unstructured(grid, strict=True): shape = np.array(["n_node"]) return np.tile(shape, (grid.get_dim_count(), 1))
def _find_first(array, value): try: return np.where(array == value)[0][0] except IndexError: return len(array)
[docs]def connectivity_matrix_as_array(face_nodes, bad_val): nodes_per_face = np.empty(face_nodes.shape[0], dtype=int) for face_id, face in enumerate(face_nodes): nnodes = _find_first(face, bad_val) if nnodes > 0: nodes_per_face[face_id] = _find_first(face, bad_val) else: raise ValueError("face contains no nodes") offsets = np.cumsum(nodes_per_face) connectivity = np.empty(offsets[-1], dtype=int) offset = 0 for n_nodes, face in zip(nodes_per_face, face_nodes): connectivity[offset : offset + n_nodes] = face[:n_nodes] offset += n_nodes return (connectivity, offsets)