Source code for

"""Wrap a port as a :class:`Timeline` event.
import os
import sys

import yaml

from ..component.grid import GridMixIn
from ..framework import services
from ..mappers import NearestVal
from ..utils import as_cwd

[docs]class PortEvent(GridMixIn): """Wrap a port as an event. Parameters ---------- port : str Name of port. init_args : list, optional List of arguments to initialize port. run_dir : str, optional Path to directory to execute port. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if isinstance(kwds["port"], str): self._port = services.get_component_instance(kwds["port"]) else: self._port = kwds["port"] self._init_args = kwds.get("init_args", []) self._run_dir = kwds.get("run_dir", ".") if isinstance(self._init_args, str): self._init_args = [self._init_args] self._status_fp = open( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._run_dir, "_time.txt")), "w" ) GridMixIn.__init__(self)
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the event. Run the underlying port's initialization method in its *run_dir*. The event's *init_args* are passed to the initialize method as arguments. """ with as_cwd(self._run_dir): status = {"name":, "time": 0.0, "status": "initializing"} self._status_fp.write(yaml.dump(status)) try: self._port.initialize(*self._init_args) except Exception: raise
[docs] def run(self, time): """Run the event. Call the `run` method of the underlying port using *time* as the run time. Parameters ---------- time : float Time to run the event to. """ with as_cwd(self._run_dir): status = {"name":, "time": time, "status": "running"} print(yaml.dump(status), file=self._status_fp) self._status_fp.flush() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() print(yaml.dump(status, default_flow_style=True)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush()
[docs] def update(self, time): with as_cwd(self._run_dir): self._port.update_until(time)
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finalize the event. Run the `finalize` method of the underlying port. """ with as_cwd(self._run_dir): status = {"name":, "time": None, "status": "finishing"} self._status_fp.write(yaml.dump(status)) self._port.finalize() status = {"name":, "time": None, "status": "finished"} self._status_fp.write(yaml.dump(status)) self._status_fp.close()
[docs]class PortMapEvent: """An event that maps values between ports. Parameters ---------- src_port : str Port name that is the data source. dst_port : str Port name that is the destination. vars_to_map : list, optional Names of variable to map. method : {'direct', 'nearest'}, optional Method used to map values. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): if isinstance(kwds["src_port"], str): self._src = services.get_component_instance(kwds["src_port"]) else: self._src = kwds["src_port"] if isinstance(kwds["dst_port"], str): self._dst = services.get_component_instance(kwds["dst_port"]) else: self._dst = kwds["dst_port"] self._vars_to_map = kwds.get("vars_to_map", []) self._method = kwds.get("method", "direct") if self._method == "direct": self._mapper = None elif self._method == "nearest": self._mapper = NearestVal() else: raise ValueError("method %s not understood" % self._method)
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize the data mappers.""" if self._mapper is not None: self._mapper.initialize(self._dst, self._src, vars=self._vars_to_map)
[docs] def run(self, stop_time): """Map values from one port to another.""" for dst_name, src_name in self._vars_to_map: src_values = self._src.get_value( src_name, units=self._dst.get_var_units(dst_name) ) if self._mapper is None: dst_values = src_values else: dst_values = self._dst.set_value(dst_name, dst_values)
[docs] def finalize(self): pass